Corporate Wellbeing

What to look for in an HRA?

Written by Jennifer Koenig | Oct 19, 2018 7:00:54 PM

Health Risk Assessment (HRA) surveys have been around for a long time, but that doesn't mean that they're all created equal. One of the things we pride ourselves on at HealthCheck360 is our proprietary HRA survey. To make sure your wellness program's HRA is meaningful, you'll want to consider five major things:

What makes a good Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Survey?

  1. Survey length.
    We didn't want people answering questions for days on end or taking the time to answer questions that wouldn't be used. We carefully crafted our survey so that it can be completed in under 5 minutes.
  2. Available in multiple languages.
    Your employees come from all walks of life. Look for surveys that can support the language of your population.
  3. Online, in app, and on paper.
    Keeping the survey accessible to all of your employees, regardless of their working location or situation is important. Offering access at all levels from tech-forward to basic pen and paper is key to reaching your entire population.
  4. Reading level.
    We developed our survey, individual report, and educational articles to read at an 8th grade reading level. Medical information can be overwhelming and not everyone speaks English as their first language or has the same level of education. The information we provide to individuals is powerful, and we want to ensure it's easily understood by everyone.
  5. Questions target behavior and motivation. 
    Getting to the core of why people do what they do ensures the information you're getting is valuable and can be used right away. 


When you take these items into consideration, you'll be on the road to building a wellness program that engages employees in their health and supports them in reaching their goals.


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