Why do I need to provide my sex and gender and what is the difference?

Read below to understand sex and gender requirements for myHC360+.


When referring to sex, we are asking for your biological anatomy assigned at birth - male or female. Sex is based on different biological and physiological characteristics such as chromosomes, hormones, and organs. This information is needed to provide accurate health metrics and measurements.


When referring to gender, we are asking for your self-assigned gender identity. Your internal and individual experience of gender may or may not be the same as your physiological or assigned sex at birth. Please select the gender you feel best describes your unique self. 

Additional resources: 

Have more questions regarding male and female biological health differences? Yale School of Medicine outlines how the biology of males and females affects their health and influences treatment and prevention strategies. You can read more here. 

Have more questions about the difference between gender and sex?  The World Health Organization (WHO) has more information you can review here.