HealthCheck360 Blog

Mango | Fresh Finds

Written by Jennifer Koenig | May 25, 2016 12:01:59 PM


Mangoes are a diet-friendly food because they’re naturally sweet. Eating mangoes can help squash your cravings for candy and other sugary foods. A one-cup serving of fresh mango has 100 calories and because that same serving has three grams of filling fiber, you’ll feel fuller on fewer calories.


Finding the right mango is similar to picking peaches and avocados. Mangos become softer as they ripen. Ripe mangos sometimes have a fruity aroma at their stem ends. The red color that appears with mangos is not an indicator of ripeness so always judge by feel. If you have ever tried to cut through the middle of a mango, chances are you were in for a big surprise. Mangoes have a pit in the center so cut just along the sides of the stem. Once halved, you can scoop the fruit out with a spoon, or score the fruit (but not the skin) to pop small chunks free. We like this video on how to cut a mango.


Try one of our favorite mango recipes! Click here for Grilled Tilapia with Mango Salsa.

Looks for more colorful Fresh Finds on our blog from May 13 - June 3!