Corporate Wellbeing

CUWCD Gets Creative With Engagement

Written by Jennifer Koenig | Mar 28, 2018 11:00:00 AM

We love creative ideas that support wellness. One of these ideas came from Central Utah Water Conservancy District (CUWCD). Read on to find out what they did and how they engaged 75% of their employees and spouses. 

CUWCD is dedicated to protecting one of Earth's most valuable resources.  Water. They use that same dedication toward their employees and helping them protect their health and wellbeing. Wellness co

mpetitions aren't just a game for them (although, CUWCD does have a lot of fun with 

 their challenges). They recognize that wellness competitions are a way to engage employees in their health and offer peer and educational support to participants. 

Check out this case study to find out how they used the BYU - Utah rivalry to help 62% of challenge participants increase their activity.