To be compliant on your Cares, you may need to make sure that your medication is up to date.
Locate the item you would like to upload on your “To Do” list provided on or the MyCare360 mobile app. See below for steps on how to upload RX (prescriptions) and Lab/OV (office visit) forms on the mobile app and portal.
- Using MyCare360 mobile app
- On the “To Do’s” screen, select the item you would like to submit documentation for by tapping the item on the “To Do” list if a OV/Lab or tapping the medication refills bar if an Rx. This will open a new screen.
- Enter the date the Rx was picked up or the date the OV/Lab was complete and select Confirm.
- Select the gray box under “Documents.” You will be provided the choice to “Take a photo…” of the document or “Choose from Library…”
- Take a Photo
- Select “Take a Photo…”
- The camera on your phone will be activated (may have to allow the MyCare360 app access to your camera within the settings of your phone)
- Take a picture of the document or pill bottle
- Select “Use Photo” or “Retake”
- Select “Submit”
- Choose from Library
- Select “Choose from Library…”
- The phones photo library will open
- Navigate to and select the image you would like to upload (may have to allow MyCare360 app access to your photo library in the settings of your phone)
- Select “Submit”
- HealthCheck360 will review your submission and either mark the task as complete or reach out to you if there is a question with the submitted document
- Take a Photo
- Using
- On the “My Cares” screen, select the item you would like to submit documentation for by clicking on the item in the “To Do” list or clicking the medication refills bar if an Rx
- Enter the date the Rx was picked up or the date the OV/Lab was complete
- Select the “Browse” in the gray box under Attachments
- Browse to the location of your document, select the file and then click “open”
- Select “Submit”
- HealthCheck360 will review your submission and either mark the task as complete or reach out to you if there is a question with the submitted document