HealthCheck360 Blog

Coconuts for Coconut Oil by Coach Cher

Written by Jennifer Koenig | May 17, 2016 12:00:11 PM

Coconut oil. Is it good for you or not? There's much debate lately about the health benefits. In the past, conventional dietary advice was to limit coconut oil because it is rich in saturated fats, but new studies and data has come to light recently to vindicate these fats. 50% of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is a type of saturated fat. Yes, this type of fat can raise cholesterol levels, but these levels are mainly HDL (the healthy type of cholesterol).

  • Coconut oil comes with many health benefits. Here are a few of our favorites:
  • Helps destroy viruses and harmful bacteria
  • Contains MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids) that are easily digestible and stored as energy, not fat
  • Ideal for cooking and baking (doesn't get damaged at high temps like other oils)
  • Promotes heart health, thyroid function, & brain function
  • Supports strong metabolism (weight loss aid!)
  • Helps maintain youthful looking skin

We know that coconut oil can be used to cook with of course. Did you know that it's uses are not limited to just eating? Here are some of Coach Cher's favorite unconventional uses:

  1. Makeup remover: Swipe on with moist cotton ball, wipe off with clean cotton ball or wet washcloth
  2. Facial cleanser: Massage a dollop of coconut oil onto face and neck, wash off with wet washcloth and pat dry
  3. Body scrub: Mix equal parts coconut oil with cane sugar in glass jar, use on dry skin prior to a shower or bath
  4. Facial scrub: Mix equal parts coconut oil with baking soda (or oatmeal with a dash of cinnamon) for a gentle scrub
  5. Shaving lotion: Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on area to be shaved and shave as normal
  6. Face and body moisturizer: Use it by itself to moisturize, or add your favorite essential oil
  7. Eye cream: Apply a thin layer of coconut oil around your eyes to soften wrinkles and counteract thin, sagging skin
  8. Cuticle cream: Rub a small amount of coconut oil around your cuticles to soften dry areas
  9. Deodorant: Apply a small amount of coconut oil directly onto your armpits. For an extra fresh feeling, add a small amount of baking soda
  10. Bath soak: Add a small amount to your 76°+ bath water to help moisturize dry, itchy skin. NOTE: Make sure to scrub the bathtub afterwards to prevent slipping!
  11. Lip balm: Apply as is, or add vanilla extract for a sweeter scent
  12. Toothpaste: Mixed with baking soda, coconut oil can replace your regular toothpaste
  13. Insect repellent: Mix coconut oil with high-quality essential oils to help keep biting insects at bay. Try peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, tear tree oil, or clear vanilla oil
