HealthCheck360 Blog

Lower Your COVID-19 Risk with Exercise

Written by Stephanie L | Jul 16, 2020 9:30:00 PM

Now more than ever, people are asking themselves, "How do I stay healthy?" and that's understandable.  The coronavirus has changed everyone's health priorities. While health can be a complex topic, let's first focus on exercise and how creating a cardio routine can impact your overall health.  
The benefits of exercise range from increased energy, improved mood, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing the risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease, the list is long.  One of the most beneficial reasons to exercise is to build a stronger immune system, this can protect you from illnesses.

But what about COVID-19 and exercise specifically?  Dr. Zhen Yan of the University of Virginia has been researching an antioxidant known as EcSOD that works to protect tissues and prevent disease.  While the body does produce this naturally, it is enhanced by cardiovascular exercise.  Talk about motivation.

So what can you do?  Research suggests that even a single session of exercise can increase the production of EcSOD.  For some, social distancing has made exercise more difficult.  But as noted above, EcSOD is best produced through cardiovascular exercise.  Get creative with your resources at home or in your backyard.  Take advantage of online cardio workouts, jumping rope, walking, running, and biking.

"Regular exercise has far more health benefits than we know.  The protection against [COVID-19] is just one of the many examples" summarized Dr. Yan.  So what are you waiting for?  Let's get moving.  Looking for some at-home exercise ideas?  Check out this recent blog with COVID-19 friendly workouts and produce EcSOD!