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Helping Your Employees Build Resiliency

Written by HealthCheck360 Abbey

Excessive stress can negatively impact employee health, especially when it affects different areas of your life. The COVID-19 outbreak is a substantial stressor on your population, in many ways. How your employees react to professional and personal pressures can be the difference between having a healthy relationship with stress and letting stress control your life. Building a resilient population can keep stress from being a larger issue for health, well-being, and productivity.  

Everybody encounters stress. According to the International Labour Organization, employees are experiencing workplace stress at an increased rate. With the current COVID-19 outbreak, stress is only increasing, making it more important than ever to develop resiliency.  The Harvard Business Review broke down current ways people deal with stress and it often comes in the form of a temporary fix.  When a job suddenly becomes high pressure with tight deadlines or transitioning to a new environment, people look to comforting activities like drinking or eating unhealthy foods, or even avoiding the stress altogether. These responses, although natural, don't get at the root of the issue.  Real change comes from re-framing how someone interprets and responds to stress.  

"Managing stress over the long-term requires cultivating your own resilience skills before seeking external solutions so that you can turn changes, stresses, and challenges into opportunities."
- Harvard Business Review

HealthCheck360's in-depth 12-week Resiliency program gives employees the chance to work one-on-one with health coaches to recognize negative stress reactors and how to build a healthy relationship with stress, even during the coronavirus outbreak.  This proactive program is grounded in scientific research and behavioral psychology.  The program's focus is on improving individual mental focus, productivity, and developing the ability to deal with change.   See a demo or request a quote for your population today to help your employees manage their stress


In addition to the Resiliency Coaching Program, we have a 2 week Resiliency Challenge available.  Implementing this challenge can help assist your population in recognizing negative stress-related behaviors. This challenge is included in the HealthCheck360 suite of services for all existing clients at no extra charge. Complete with turn-key communications, this online program can be launched to your entire population quickly, regardless of employee location. 


Finally, if you're looking for some free education materials for your population around stress and resiliency, check out our COVID-19 Resource Center. You'll find downloadable posters for stress management and resiliency, as well as helpful materials for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and maintaining healthy habits in this new working and living environment. These materials are available to the public, free of charge, so please share with your colleagues. 


HealthCheck360 recognizes the need for more adaptable and resilient employees. Our resiliency programs help your employees develop the skills to be adaptable and better respond to stress, both during and after a pandemic, so they're better equipped to lead healthy, productive, happy lives.  




Topics: Stress Management, Corporate Well-being



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