Getting active is great, but you may be forgetting to incorporate some important aspects that could be causing your body harm. Find out what you might be missing in your exercise routine. Not currently working out? Find out how to get started, the right way.
If you missed this month's webinar, no worries! We record our webinars and post the recording and slides the same day. Make sure to try out Coach Shelby's stretches she prepared to warm up all your muscles.
Below are a few resources Coach Shelby referenced during the webinar. Please talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise or stretching routine.
Lower Back Stretches
Lower Back Exercises
Coach Shelby's Stretches
If your company offers the webinar for wellness points, this button is for you.
If you would like a copy of the slides in PDF format, please click below!
Don't miss our next webinar, click below to register!
Improving Your Health: a Step-By-Step Guide
If you would like to watch any of our webinars with subtitles, please visit our YouTube page and click the closed captioning button on the video you would like to watch.
Finally! For a great tool to help you achieve your goals, download our mobile application now!